My journey, like so many others, began in darkness. It was a place of uncertainty, of the unformed and unknown, where everything fell like rain, with nothing to hold on to. And the deeper I fell, the darker it became. And in that lightless abyss came the demons, spirits of the pain and despair, exiled to the shadows far away from trust, from the Known. To these demons, these mirrors of the suffering of unclaimed rejection, I gave a voice, I gave bodies with my own hands, and the very making of them hurt deeply.
Yet, even in the weaving of this darkness, there revealed itself a tiny light, urging me to turn around. The burden had become too much, and I could go down no further. And in that light the angels awaited me, with exalted, wondrous visions in which the damages of the descent into the darkness would be washed away. And to them also, I gave a place in the world through my craft, Amulets of Light that instil wonder and innocence within all who they touch. And in that ambience of healing, I could begin to turn towards acceptance, where the wounds of the shadows would begin to heal, and the pain that drew me down there started to fade.
And I came to a Nowhere Place beyond time, body or world. As nobody, I watched many of those demons come out into the light and become angels, just as many of the angels were fallen, down into the darkness. And I began to feel what all this meant: that this cycle of falling and rising, of moving between darkness and light, was the very crux of the Journey all along. The pain and the healing arise together, emerging from the unknown within oneself and the Time-Body-World of its reflection. With this Amulet of Faith and Wisdom, my quest for acceptance could become a commitment and evolve itself, transforming into a Nameless Love, beyond the play of conditions, beyond the seemingness of what is light and what is dark.
Reaching the end of this Journey, I was gifted with a new belief, a belief that honours the Power of Following One’s Own Path in this life: that the divine purpose of art is to fall in love with oneself. The Beauty of Creation brings the divided parts of me together, like an intimate form of connection between distant strangers, bridging the gap between the divided expressions of my heart, and allowing me to go ever deeper into the unknown.
The Amulet Dolls are the gifts to the world that I return with from the other side. They are more than decorative objects; they are living symbols of transformation, woven with the mature wisdom and energy of a profound, inner Journey; each one, a unique embodiment of one of the magical, paradoxical spirits that surrounds the mysterious Soul. As spirits incarnated, Wisdom Guides, Storytellers, Keepers of both the light and the dark, they speak in their own voice, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, but never forgetting the way.
My name is Kam, Welcome to Kamulets, Amulet Dolls for the Spirit Within.